Frequently Asked Questions
When can I expect my order?
The average delivery time is 14-30 business days. Our products are shipped directly from the supplier to you. This unique business model allows us to achieve significant savings on warehousing and transport costs, offer products at a lower price than our competitors and cover the shipping costs ourselves.
The expected delivery time has passed, where is my order!
In most cases, orders are delivered within the expected delivery time. Unfortunately, sometimes an order can be delayed in the delivery process. You can check the status of your order via the following link: - If your order has not arrived 3 days after the expected delivery time, please contact us.
Some products are missing from my delivery, how can this be?
As we work with different suppliers, products may be sent separately. If items are missing during delivery, you will usually receive them within 2-3 days. We apologise for the inconvenience.
What are the shipping costs?
We cover the shipping costs! This means you can have your order shipped for FREE!
Can I cancel an order?
Of course you can! However, orders go directly to the supplier. For this reason, the order may have already been dispatched. If this is the case, we unfortunately cannot cancel the order.
I'm not satisfied with my order, can I return it? Yes, you can. Please read our refund policy!